- Theresa May wants to drive out 'significant' number of fanatics in Britain
- Under Tory manifesto plans, Home Secretary would ban hate preachers
- Pledged to use new 'closure orders' to shut mosques used by fanatics
- Also review Sharia courts amid fears they are used to oppress women
- The Home Secretary told Islamist fanatics in British: 'The game is up'
Theresa May
yesterday unveiled a raft of controversial powers to drive Muslim
extremists from British public life – including the closure of mosques
which harbour fanatics.
Home Secretary said Britain had tolerated extremist views for too long
hardliners needed to understand the 'game is up' for anybody who
rejects British values.
wish-list included sending hit squads modelled on the Government's
Troubled Families Programme into 'isolated' communities to teach English
and encourage children to mix with youngsters from other backgrounds.
As the Mail revealed yesterday, there will
also be new civil orders to silence preachers of hate, a review of
sharia courts and new rules making it easier to ban extremist groups.
spending on translation services will be cut to encourage all Muslims to
speak English. It will be a requirement for religious workers with
pastoral responsibilities to learn the language.
a new Extremism Analysis Unit is being established inside the Home
Office to draw up a blacklist of individuals and organisations which the
public sector should not engage with.
May said the aim was to ensure 'nobody unwittingly lends legitimacy or
credibility to extremists' and ensure ministers don't just speak to
'self-appointed and often unrepresentative community leaders'.
orders would be served on any premises owned or occupied by extremists
or used to host extremist speakers – including mosques.
called for a new partnership to defeat the fanatics, saying: 'To those
who do not want to join this new partnership, to those who choose
consciously to reject our values and the basic principles of our
society, the message is equally clear: the game is up. We will no longer
tolerate your behaviour.'
Tory MPs
welcomed her uncompromising stance in which she criticised those who
sought to excuse Islamist extremism as mere 'social conservatism'. But,
published less than two months before the election, her plan is a list
of ambitions rather than a blueprint for Government.
measures will be included in the Tory manifesto but, in the event of a
new Coalition, would be fiercely resisted by the Liberal Democrats. The
speech was seen at Westminster as a reminder of Mrs May's leadership
credentials if David Cameron stands down after the election. MPs said it
had echoes of Margaret Thatcher, who once declared: 'Where there is
discord, may we bring harmony.'
Comparisons were also made with Tony Blair's 12-point plan for tackling terror, unveiled in the aftermath of the 7/7 attacks.
Labour Prime Minister famously declared that the 'rules of the game are
changing' but later abandoned his own proposal for mosque closure
orders after a backlash from Muslim groups. Mrs May's plans follow a
series of bitter rows inside the Coalition over counter-terrorism
strategy. The Liberal Democrats have made it clear they will oppose any
attempt to limit free speech.
least four Tory Cabinet ministers, including Education Secretary Nicky
Morgan and Communities Secretary Eric Pickles, are also understood to
have argued the strategy needs more work.
proposals drew an angry response from some Muslim groups. Islamic Human
Rights Commission chairman Massoud Shadjareh said: 'Nobody will be
fooled by the Home Secretary's claims that these measures are designed
to tackle extremism.
are a shameless expression of a hate and bigotry that is increasingly
becoming normalised in Britain.' Manzoor Moghal, chairman of the Muslim
Forum think tank, said the proposals would infringe people's freedom of
home secretary Yvette Cooper said: 'Everyone other than the extremists
agrees we should robustly defend and actively promote the pluralistic
values our society rightly holds in esteem. But it isn't enough for the
Home Secretary to say it, she needs to act.'
Home Office defines extremism as 'vocal or active opposition to
fundamental British values including democracy, the rule of law,
individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths
and beliefs'. It also includes 'calls for the death of members of armed
forces whether in this country or overseas'.
Britain position in war against terrorism is not clear and it is pointing to something the world cannot understand.