Vick praises Jameis Winston as the “future of the NFL” | Biafra Intelligence Service


Sunday 21 December 2014

Vick praises Jameis Winston as the “future of the NFL”

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Vick praises Jameis Winston as the “future of the NFL”

Winston Getty ImagesA vague sense has emerged in recent weeks that a draft-stock gap exists between 2014 Heisman winner Marcus Mariota and 2013 Heisman winner Jameis Winston.  There indeed may be a gap by the time the 2015 draft begins, and it may be Winston who’s the better player.
Jets quarterback Mike Vick, the first overall pick in the draft nearly 14 years ago, recently heaped praise on Winston.
“He may make some poor decisions, but he gets on that football field and he plays his ass off,” Vick said, via Darryl Slater of  “Yeah, he can mature.  He’ll mature.  I see him maturing as time goes on.  Like, this year hasn’t been as bad of a year as the first year was for Jameis.  I think the kid will continue to improve.  I think he’s the future of the NFL.”
This year hasn’t been perfect, though.  The offseason featured the crab-leg caper.  Then, Winston was suspended for a game after yelling an obscene phrase on campus.  He nevertheless dressed for the game and entered the field in full uniform before being sent back inside.  More recently, Winston placed his hands on and physically moved an official who was delaying the snap.
As a result, Winston will attract plenty of attention, wherever he goes.  And that could make it difficult for him to thrive with a team like the Jets.
“I think it’s hard,” Vick said.  “I think his support cast just has to be around him.  You can’t put him in a room with a group of young guys. . . .  The more veterans around, the more he’ll pick up on things and he’ll mature quickly.  That’s the trend I’ve been around since I’ve been in the league.”
For Winston, the trend at the college level has been to win, each and every week.  He’s 29-0.  A win over Mariota and Oregon will move him to 30-0 and commence talk that, despite Mariota’s accomplishments, perhaps Winston is the better NFL prospect.
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72 Responses to “Vick praises Jameis Winston as the “future of the NFL””
  1. acmepackers says: Dec 20, 2014 6:39 PM
    Doesn’t have the brains to be a big-time NFL QB. Kind of like Vick.
  2. youngosays says: Dec 20, 2014 6:40 PM
    a bust recognizing a bust
  3. lesterclan says: Dec 20, 2014 6:42 PM
    Ah, high praise indeed…
  4. f1restarter says: Dec 20, 2014 6:42 PM
    Winston will be a bust of epic proportions. More red flags than a Chinese parade.
  5. ketch20too says: Dec 20, 2014 6:43 PM
    Should have been a 15 years penalty and an ejection from the game for pushing the ref. Don’t understand why refs seem to have protected FSU all season.
  6. nflgreedleague says: Dec 20, 2014 6:44 PM
    His future looks as bright as Vince Young’s once did, oh wait…
  7. lesterclan says: Dec 20, 2014 6:44 PM
    On second thought, Vick might be on to something. Given what we are learning from the Darrin Sharper sexual assault case, Winston just may be “the future of the NFL”.
  8. drewzducks says: Dec 20, 2014 6:44 PM
    I’ve seen the future…and he ain’t it.
  9. greghensley says: Dec 20, 2014 6:45 PM
    Fits right in with Vick, Sharper, Hernadez.
  10. wahoo21 says: Dec 20, 2014 6:48 PM
    One criminal propping up another……does anybody really care what Mike Vick thinks?
  11. Nofoolnodrool says: Dec 20, 2014 6:48 PM
    While Vick seems to have matured in the short run his ability to predict the future should be taken for no more than what it is…an opinion of someone who doesn’t always exercise the best judgement and have the best value system.
  12. rocketdogsports says: Dec 20, 2014 6:48 PM
    Future of the NFL? Great talent. Very poor judgement. Don’t want him on my team.
  13. chargersfan13 says: Dec 20, 2014 6:49 PM
    Jameis Winston is the future of the NFL? Says Mike Vick?
    Yeah, Mike, he’s a solid franchise QB. Exactly like Luck and Rodgers.
    I mean…what QB hasn’t stole some crab legs in their youth? They all mature, you just have to have those veterans around to make sure they don’t break the law. That’s what true veteran leadership is all about.
  14. wawa33 says: Dec 20, 2014 6:49 PM
    Vick also gave kudos to “JaMeatloaf” Russell.
  15. steelersarebeliebers says: Dec 20, 2014 6:50 PM
    lol..can’t wait to see him play in the NFL.
    anyone else notice a trend of players who dominate college football forget about hard work somewhere along the lines of all their national attention and success only to get a rude awakening when they get to the NFL?
    Janis Winston is next
  16. skins716 says: Dec 20, 2014 6:51 PM
    he’s a great qb but a mental midget.. vy 3.0
  17. thereisfootballwestofjersey says: Dec 20, 2014 6:53 PM
    Love him or hate him, and I certainly hate his idiotic behavior, but Jameis Winston is HEAD and SHOULDERS above Mariotta in NFL readiness.
    Winston is a straight up stud with the pigskin and has all of the intangibles ON THE FIELD. The risk is worth the reward with this kid
  18. raymondtx says: Dec 20, 2014 6:54 PM
    Jameis has number 1 overall physical talent, but no brain, common sense, or conscious.
  19. cardmagnet says: Dec 20, 2014 6:58 PM
    Criminals always stick together.
  20. howboutthemcowboys22 says: Dec 20, 2014 6:59 PM
    Cause Michael Vick is a GREAT judge of character…. After all, those were some of his best friends he picked that he was fighting and killing dogs with…. Stick to holding a clipboard and wondering what could have been if you started the whole year for the jets, I mean, if you didn’t get cut by the Eagles, I mean if you didn’t go to jail, I mean if didn’t get busted with a dog fighting ring, I mean if you actually studied the offense and took football serious and weren’t such a DIVA….
  21. afcdomination says: Dec 20, 2014 6:59 PM
    so was RGIII and Kaep, they were going to change the QB position as we knew it.
    this kid has to grow up, he can’t even hide it like Griffin did, so good luck with this one. I really hope my team stays away, I’d rather try to revive RGIII’s struggling career than mess with winston.
  22. otheirony says: Dec 20, 2014 6:59 PM
    If Winston is the future I’m out. Harder and harder to be a fan.
  23. afcdomination says: Dec 20, 2014 7:01 PM
    how can you say he has more NFL readiness? how can anyone say this? his off field behavior is just as much a part of the picture as on the field. if he does that stuff off it, it doesn’t matter how good you are. so I am not understanding how that immature child is even close to NFL ready. most rookies who are mature aren’t ready, this kid isn’t close from his actions. actions that will scare people away.
  24. jayquintana says: Dec 20, 2014 7:02 PM
    I’m going on a limb and guessing the following’s not heard in any NFL war room, “move Winston up on the board, Vick’s endorsing him.”
    Btw, love Mariota, but, purely from a football standpoint, Winston’s better. That said, I’d take Mariota over him any day of the week.
  25. vancouversportsbro says: Dec 20, 2014 7:02 PM
    He won the heisman and bcs last year. Undefeated this year. People need to stop bashing him.
  26. generalobvious says: Dec 20, 2014 7:04 PM
    So the “future of the NFL” is an immature, self-entitled moron who steals seafood from supermarkets, steals soda with ketchup holders at fast-food joints, shoots out campus windows with BB guns, puts his hands on officials during a game … and oh yeah, gets accused of a rape which he probably committed – which could possibly get him expelled from school any day now, then follows that up by standing on a table yelling derogatory obscene statements in front of female students.
    No. But he might be the “future of the Arena League”.
  27. TheDPR says: Dec 20, 2014 7:06 PM
    Some really bad team who is used to being really bad and wasting first round picks will waste their first round pick on this clown. And that team will continue to be a really bad team earning first round picks.
  28. beerbudsnbevo says: Dec 20, 2014 7:08 PM
    Crab legs
  29. usa98j30t4 says: Dec 20, 2014 7:14 PM
    So, Michael Vick says Winston is the future of the NFL? That league is in serious trouble.
    Vick is an idiot.
  30. elmerbrownelmerbrown says: Dec 20, 2014 7:14 PM
    I think Andrew Luck is
  31. seanx40 says: Dec 20, 2014 7:19 PM
    Winston=Jamarcus Russell, the sequel. Russell was Ryan Leaf, the sequel. Was Todd Marinovich, the sequel.
  32. abninf says: Dec 20, 2014 7:24 PM
    I’ll laugh at the team who takes this shady character.
  33. codiablo says: Dec 20, 2014 7:25 PM
    future of nfl ? But there are already so many criminals in the league, RIGHT NOW!
  34. doubleogator says: Dec 20, 2014 7:26 PM
    It takes more than physical talent to be a top tier talent in the NFL. It take smarts, and good judgement. Just wait until he has millions in the bank before he plays his first down. Let’s see how he matures then. Wouldn’t want him with an early first round pick, and maybe wouldn’t want him on my team at all…
  35. teal379 says: Dec 20, 2014 7:28 PM
    Why is it everytime someone says “X is the future of the NFL” – within 3 years the team that’s drafting them is looking to replace them?
    Seems to me the best performers in the NFL and the teams that consistently WIN year in and out, follow the old way of doing things?
    Good QB who can pass first and maybe run second, solid line play on both sides of the ball and a defense that doesn’t give up the big play = superbowl win.
    Everytime we’re told it’s something else as the future – they flash then suck. Vick, Kaep, Cam, RG3-out, wildcat offenses etc.
  36. johnnylujack says: Dec 20, 2014 7:32 PM
    Size, mobility, and an arm aren’t enough to excel in the bigs. Only way the arm and the legs mean anything at all is if he can read coverages, make smart decisions, and hit his targets.
  37. fordmandalay says: Dec 20, 2014 7:47 PM
    I seem to remember Michael Vick was supposed to be the future of the NFL, long ago. How did THAT work out?
  38. bosb88 says: Dec 20, 2014 7:50 PM
    At this point it should be assumed Winston is not going to have a good NFL career. Look at the drop in his number this season vs. last season. Not to mention his off the field issues.
  39. raideralex99 says: Dec 20, 2014 7:53 PM
    Lol … Groundhog Day … every year you hear the same thing.
    Some athletic QB is better than a QB with brains who can read defenses.
  40. justcallingit says: Dec 20, 2014 7:59 PM
    Winston is good for the league and the sport. He provides entertainment.
  41. jameisxfamousxcrablegs says: Dec 20, 2014 8:00 PM
    FamousJameis getting a ringing endorsement from Michael Vick. Now that should send his draft stock through the roof! :-D
  42. bat42boy says: Dec 20, 2014 8:00 PM
    Vick is either dumb or dumber. If that be the case the future of the NFL just went down the dumper with all the other trash Vick is spreading around.
  43. rocketdogsports says: Dec 20, 2014 8:02 PM
    More like the future of Red Lobster.
  44. motsuret06 says: Dec 20, 2014 8:13 PM
    Winston has talent but he has deep character issues. His biggest problem may be staying out of jail and Vick could mentor him about that. I do not agree Winston is the future of the NFL.
  45. htown3 says: Dec 20, 2014 8:26 PM
    let me get this straight Mike Vick an Nfl player when asked to give his opinion about a n nfl prospect and gives it, you guys on this message board have a problem with it , but you guys don’t have a problem spewing your unsolicited nfl views on this board (who’s view carries more weight HUMMMMM
  46. realfootballfan says: Dec 20, 2014 8:27 PM
    No perhaps in it. Winston’s the guy out of the pro style offense that produces all the Super Bowl QBs. His only problem imo is his longer delivery, but it’s not egregious enough to stop him from being a very good pro QB. Winston/Luck is going to be epic once he gets up to speed if he does decide to come out this year to the Titans because of any team that know isn’t taking a spread QB, it’s them.
  47. floridascuba1 says: Dec 20, 2014 8:34 PM
    Winston must be the future of the NFL after reading all these post from a bunch of lifeless losers. Nothing better to do on a Saturday other than bash on him.
  48. drude64 says: Dec 20, 2014 8:39 PM
    Teddy Bridgewater is the future, not Jamesis Winston. More to being the future than just athletics.. like class, charisma, and a sense of just being professional. would rather have Blake Sims than JW in next draft any day of the week.
  49. mackcarrington says: Dec 20, 2014 8:45 PM
    Well, when Jameis gets his NFL money, he can buy all the seafood he wants, he can go to a shooting range and shoot guns all he wants, he won’t have to steal condiments from fast food places and he can pay women to do whatever he wants them to do. I’d roll the dice on him.
  50. theblowtorchreview says: Dec 20, 2014 8:49 PM
    Does is surprise anyone that one criminal would heap praise on another criminal? Kind of like Lawyers. You will never hear a Lawyer criticize another Lawyer.
  51. tonebones says: Dec 20, 2014 8:57 PM
    Some people just don’t get it. The position of NFL QB is played between the ears. Winston is another Ryan Leaf, JaMarcus Russell. Lots of physical ability, but zero mental. Watch the tape of this kid at FSU. He’s dumber than dumb. He might be a good kid, a smart person or even a high academic achiever, but he plays QB like a big dummy. He makes the worst decisions I think I’ve ever seen. He won’t get away with them in the NFL. He will get a coach or two fired if he’s a high pick.
  52. bbbmf says: Dec 20, 2014 9:02 PM
    tonebones says:
    Dec 20, 2014 8:57 PM
    Some people just don’t get it. The position of NFL QB is played between the ears. Winston is another Ryan Leaf, JaMarcus Russell. Lots of physical ability, but zero mental. Watch the tape of this kid at FSU. He’s dumber than dumb. He might be a good kid, a smart person or even a high academic achiever, but he plays QB like a big dummy. He makes the worst decisions I think I’ve ever seen. He won’t get away with them in the NFL. He will get a coach or two fired if he’s a high pick.
    You may be the only “analyst” in the country who says he’s dumb on the field.
  53. ken14andersonforhof says: Dec 20, 2014 9:09 PM
    I thought RGIII was…
  54. mwcarolina says: Dec 20, 2014 9:09 PM
    this kid has to grow up, he can’t even hide it like Griffin did, so good luck with this one. I really hope my team stays away, I’d rather try to revive RGIII’s struggling career than mess with winston.
    i have many problems with this….1) One thing i can’t question about RG3 is his character. i think the media mis-quotes him a lot and that’s one reason why he’s now not answering questions to the media like he USED to and i hope he keeps that up….2) i am not a fan of RG3 and Winston comparisons. honestly, i’m not a fan of comparing Winston to RG3, Vince Young, Newton, Kaepernick or Manziel. Firstly, Cam Newton’s VERY underrated. he would be much better if he were on a team like the 49ers….now the reason why i hate the comparisons. Newton, Griffin, Manziel and Kaepernick came from designed for college offenses that didnt help prepare a QB for the NFL. Winston, however, should be MUCH prepared for the nfl as a Quarterback. the issue isn’t his ability to play, to me, it’s character and THAT is why i agree in the sense that i would just try to develop RG3 than draft Winston. Winston’s immature off the field and that’s a major red flag.
  55. hittfamily says: Dec 20, 2014 9:19 PM
    What running QB has EVER!!! been successful. There is a massive difference in Mariota and Winston. One will be successful, and one will Return to Hawaii after busting out of the NFL.
  56. bbbmf says: Dec 20, 2014 9:24 PM
    mwcarolina, a lot of good points there…
  57. oldtrafforddevil says: Dec 20, 2014 10:10 PM
    What running QB has EVER!!! been successful. There is a massive difference in Mariota and Winston. One will be successful, and one will Return to Hawaii after busting out of the NFL.
    Steve Young. Aaron Rodgers.
    They are read the d, pass first, then run when everything else is exhausted. Even Luck runs when he has to.
    However – it seems to me that the way to be successful as an NFL QB is to be the kinda guy who is in the building at 5AM every day, working your a$$ off. Physical ability will only take you so far and when you run, then are 11 guys as fast as you on defense trying to crunch you like an accordion.
  58. hitit49 says: Dec 20, 2014 10:18 PM
    Jamarcus Winston is the future. Vick was not even Randall Cunningham. Wow did I just wright that?
  59. ytownjoe says: Dec 20, 2014 10:18 PM
    Winston will take a team to the Super Bowl before Mariota does. He is the best athlete and best QB in the upcoming draft.
  60. hittfamily says: Dec 20, 2014 10:41 PM
    I just realized Winston will make it 4 straight Fisher QBs to be drafted in the first round. Jamarcus at LSU, then he came to FSU and his first QB was Ponder. Then EJ Manuel. Now Jameis. That’s really impressive, even if they all flame out. You can’t say he didn’t prepare them, they simply didn’t succeed at the next level. If I’m a high school QB, I really want to play for Jimbo.
  61. ohioraider22 says: Dec 20, 2014 11:07 PM
    Will he double his INT’s in the NFL?
  62. floridaraven says: Dec 20, 2014 11:29 PM
    I really love how Vick was able to turn his life around and redeem himself. He never really has been all that smart, though.
  63. Duckhomie says: Dec 20, 2014 11:31 PM
    Yes, but what does Marcus have to say?
  64. djstat says: Dec 20, 2014 11:34 PM
    From one criminal to another
  65. billsfan1 says: Dec 21, 2014 12:47 AM
    You can’t say he didn’t prepare them, t
    actually if they all flame out you can say he didnt prepare them…. What you can say is that he was able to get the most out of them.
    that being said, i didnt realize he was at LSU, I thought he was Bowdens life long Offensive C.
  66. detroit09 says: Dec 21, 2014 1:02 AM
    Why am I not surprised :-/
  67. irishmanknowsall says: Dec 21, 2014 1:11 AM
    His college resume of performance on and off the field makes him perfect for the National Felon League.
  68. draconian1111 says: Dec 21, 2014 3:54 AM
    Might not be a bad idea to take advice from Vick – someone that has made some MAJOR mistakes – and managed to turn it around (although…I’ll never forgive what he did).
    If we can…forget what Vick did…he has been a responsible player and can use his new found wisdom to help others not make major mistakes (hopefully).
  69. theageofquarrel says: Dec 21, 2014 3:58 AM
    Baltimore or Cincinnati will draft him.
  70. draconian1111 says: Dec 21, 2014 4:02 AM
    Not really sold on Winston – sure, he has some talent – will it translate to the pros? Pretty major and consistent character issues – doesn’t seem to get it – thinks it is all about “him”. Plus..I have a co-worker that is an FSU honk that always wants to talk to me about FSU no matter HOW many times I tell him I don’t care at all about them! (and…we are in Texas – and…he is just a fan).
    If I were an NFL team – I’d be more concerned about the character issues than the talent issue – what happens when this kid has money (or..well, more money than FSU was paying)? The best…are humble and have respect for their talent – this kid, uhhh…no. He’s another Leaf – all talent – no head. Adversity…will destroy him.
  71. kmgpop says: Dec 21, 2014 7:09 AM
    Here are my concerns about Winston being drafted by the Bucs:
    There are so many distractions in Tampa Bay for a young man with new wealth. Once he discovers the strip clubs…
    How will he handle being on a team that loses 3-6 games in a row? And the Buccaneers certainly don’t have a stellar offensive staff or plan.
    Trade down Buccaneers and accumulate draft picks.
  72. vicvinegar00 says: Dec 21, 2014 7:25 AM
    “The more veterans around, the more he’ll pick up on things and he’ll mature quickly. That’s the trend I’ve been around since I’ve been in the league.”
    Did Vick hang out with “veterans” of federal lockup and mature there? Because he sure wasn’t very mature before that.
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