Working and coordinating men and women with rich ideas to actualize Biafra with mental powers and sophisticated intelligence. We value rich ideas and actions that are not violence in nature that is capable of helping us to actualize the Sovereign State of Biafra.
Mat.4:23,24 - Jesus went...healing all manner of sickness & disease Mat.9:35 - Healing every sickness & disease among the people Mat.12:15b - Great multitudes followed Him & He healed them all
(See also Mat.15:30; 21:14; Acts 10:38.)
2. Healing promises are still valid "today"
Heb.13:8 - Jesus Christ the same, yesterday & today & forever Mal.3:6 - I am the Lord, I change not Mk.16:17a-18b - These signs shall follow them that believe: Lay hands on the sick & they shall recover Jn.14:12-14 - He that believeth on Me, the works I do shall he do 1Cor.12:7,9b - To another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit Jam.5:14,15 - Is any sick among you? Call elders...let them pray
3. It is God's will to heal:
A. Scriptural authority for asking for healing:
Exo.15:26b - I am the Lord that healeth thee Deut.7:15 - The Lord will take away from thee all sickness Psa.84:11b - No good thing will He withhold from them Psa.103:3 - (He) forgiveth all iniquities, healeth all thy diseases Psa.107:20 - He sent His Word, & healed them Jer.30:17a - For I "will" restore health unto thee, & "will" heal Mal.4:2a - Sun of righteousness arise with "healing" in His wings Mat.10:1 - He gave them heal all manner of sickness &... disease Mk.1:40,41 - Lord, if Thou wilt...Jesus saith, I "will"; be thou clean Acts 9:34a - Jesus Christ maketh thee whole Jam.5:15 - Prayer of faith save sick...& the Lord shall raise him up
(See also Ezk.34:16a; 3Jn.2.)
B. God prefers not to afflict you; He'd rather heal:
Lam.3:33 - He doth not afflict "willingly"...the children of men Psa.22:24 - He hath not despised...affliction of the afflicted; neither hath He hid His face from him Heb.12:13b - Let it rather be healed
C. Jesus' physical suffering paid for our healing:
Isa.53:5 - He was wounded...with His stripes we are healed Mat.8:16,17 - Himself took our infirmities & bare our sicknesses 1Cor.11:23,24 - This is My body, which is broken for you 1Cor.11:29,30 - Not discerning Lord's body...many are weak & sickly 1Pet.2:24 - By Whose stripes ye were healed
4. Nothing is too serious for God to heal:
Jer.32:27 - I am the there anything too hard for Me? Jer.32:17 - Ah Lord God! There is "nothing" too hard for Thee Psa.34:19 - The Lord delivereth him out of them "all" (afflictions) Psa.103:3 - Who healeth "all" thy diseases Mat.10:1 - Power to...heal "all" manner of sickness, & "all" disease Mat.19:26 - With God all things are possible Mk.9:23 - All things are possible to him that believeth Lk.1:37 - With God, nothing shall be impossible Lk.5:17b - The power of the Lord was present to heal them
5. Conditions for healing:
2Ki.20:5b - I have...seen thy tears, behold, I will heal thee 2Chr.7:14 - If My people humble themselves, & pray & turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear & heal Isa.19:22 - They shall return to the Lord...& He shall heal them Isa.58:6-8a - [Help others:] Then thine health...spring forth speedily Hos.6:1 - Come, let us "return"...& He will heal us Jam.5:16a - "Confess" your faults...& pray one for another, that ye may be healed
6. Practical steps in obtaining healing:
A. Begin with a clean heart; unconfessed sin in your life will hinder faith:
Psa.66:18,19 - If I regard iniquity in my heart, Lord will not hear Pro.28:13 - He that covereth his sins shall not prosper Jam.5:16 - Confess your faults one to another, & pray one for another 1Jn.3:21 - "If" our heart condemn us "not", then have we (faith)
(See also 2Chr.7:14; Psa.51:10; 139:23; 1Jn.1:8,9.)
B. Prepare by memorising promises; find authority in God's Word & faith will come of itself:
Rom.10:17 - Faith cometh by hearing the Word of God Josh.23:14b - Not one thing hath failed of all that...God spake 1Ki.8:56b - Hath not failed one word of all His good promise Pro.7:2-3 - Write (My commandments) upon table of thine heart Mat.24:35 - Heaven & earth shall pass away, but (not) My Words 2Cor.1:20 - All the promises of God in Him are yea &...Amen 2Pet.1:4 - Great & precious promises: by these ye might partake
C. Be definite:
Isa.45:11 - Concerning the work of My hands, command ye Me Jam.1:6-8 - Ask in faith, nothing wavering
D. "Expect" from God; know you are entitled to His promises:
Mk.11:23 - Whoever...shall believe...shall have whatsoever he saith Mk.11:24 - "When" ye pray, "believe" that ye receive & ye shall have Heb.4:16 - Come boldly...& find grace to help in time of need Heb.11:6 - He that cometh to God must believe...He is a rewarder
E. Accept from God; there comes a time to cease praying:
Josh.7:10 - Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face? Lk.1:38 - Mary said, "Be it unto me according to thy Word"
F. Stand your ground in faith & trust:
Num.23:19 - God is not a man, that He should lie. Hath he said, & shall He not do it? Psa.112:7 - Not be afraid of evil tidings...trusting in the Lord Acts 27:25 - I believe God, that it shall be even as was told me Rom.3:4 - Let God be true, but every man a liar Rom.4:19-21 - Being "fully" persuaded that what He had promised Gal.6:9 - In due season we shall reap, if we faint not Eph.4:27 - Neither give place to the devil [his doubts & lies] Eph.6:13 - Withstand...& having done all, "stand" Eph.6:16 - Taking the shield of quench fiery darts Heb.10:23 - Hold fast...(your) faith without wavering; He is faithful that promised Heb.10:35,36 - Ye have need of "patience", that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise 1Pet.1:7 - The trial of your faith...more precious than gold (See also Pro.24:10; Jon.2:8.)
G. Real faith puts into action what it believes:
2Ki.5:1,9-14 - [Naaman obeyed Elisha, dipped in the Jordan, & was healed] 2Chr.20:21,22 - [When they went forth singing & praising God for the victory, He performed the miracle] Mat.14:28,29 - [Peter believed Jesus & stepped out on the water] Mk.2:11,12 - Take up thy bed, & go...& immediately he arose Mk.3:1,5b - [A man stretches out his withered hand & is healed] Lk.17:14 - As they "went", they were cleansed (healed) Jn.4:47-53 - Believed the word Jesus had spoken...& went his way 2Cor.5:7 - For we walk by faith, not by sight Jam.2:17-26 - As body without without works is dead
H. Thank Him for hearing & answering your prayer:
Rom.4:20 - He was strong in faith, giving "glory" to God
7. Praying for the sick:
A. Pray for healing in "Jesus'" name:
(See Jn.14:13,14; Acts 3:6; 4:10; 9:34a.)
B. Importance of laying hands on & touching the sick:
Mk.16:18b - They shall lay hands on the sick & they shall recover Lk.4:40 - He laid His hands on every one of them, & healed them
(See also Mat.9:29; Mk.3:10; 5:28; 6:56; 7:33-35; Lk.5:13; 6:19; 22:51b.)
C. Anointing with oil for healing:
(See Mk.6:13; Jam.5:14.)
D. The power of united, group prayer:
Mat.18:19,20 - If two of you shall agree [in prayer] shall be done Deut.32:30 - One (shall) chase a thousand, & two put ten thousand to flight
E. Who should pray for the sick:
Lk.8:50,51 - [Have the unbelieving leave the room before you pray] Jam.5:14-16 - Call for the elders...& let them pray over him. The fervent...prayer of a righteous man availeth much
8. Fight in the Spirit for your healing:
Mat.17:19-21 - [Unusual, stubborn sicknesses require extra faith & prayer & fasting] 1Tim.6:12 - Fight good fight of faith, "lay hold" on eternal life
A. Sing & praise the Lord:
(See Psa.34:1; 51:15; 66:17; 77:2,10,11; 109:30.)
B. Quote Scripture like Jesus did:
Mat.4:3-10 - He answered and said, "It is "written"..." Eph.6:17 - Take...the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God
9. Reasons that God allows afflictions & illnesses:
A. To keep us righteous & close to Him:
Psa.34:19 - Many are the afflictions of the "righteous" Psa.119:71 - It is good for me that I have been afflicted 2Cor.12:7 - Lest I should be exalted...given a thorn in the flesh Heb.12:6,11 - Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, & scourgeth Rev.3:19 - As many as I love, I rebuke & chasten
B. To glorify God when He heals you:
Mat.15:31 - The multitude wondered...& they glorified God Jn.9:1-3 - [The blind man's healing was to glorify God] Acts 9:36-42 - It was known throughout all Joppa; & many believed
C. Sickness is often caused by sin:
Psa.38:2-5 - My wounds stink & are corrupt...because of my sin...because of my foolishness Psa.107:17 - Fools, because of their...iniquities, are afflicted Psa.119:67 - Before I was afflicted, I went astray: but now Pro.26:2 - The curse causeless shall not come
(See also Num.12:1-15; 1Sam.5:1-12; 25:2-11,37,38; 2Chr.21:9-19; 26:16-21; Acts 12:21-23.)
D. Some sickness is an attack of the devil:
Mat.9:32,33a - When the devil was cast out, the dumb spake Mk.9:17-20,25 - [Jesus rebuked an unclean spirit, healing a child] Lk.13:11,13,16 - This woman...whom Satan hath bound 18 years Acts 10:38 - Healing all that were oppressed of the devil
E. To teach & to test us:
Job 2:3-7 - [The devil was allowed to afflict Job to "test" him] Job 5:17,18 - Behold, happy is man whom God correcteth Psa.94:12 - Blessed is the man whom Thou chasteneth & teachest 2Cor.4:17 - [Our temporary afflictions teach us eternal lessons]
F. Emotional or physiological causes:
Psa.147:3 - He healeth the broken in heart, bindeth their wounds Pro.11:17b - He that is cruel troubleth his own flesh Pro.14:30 - Envy (is) the rottenness of the bones Pro.15:13 - By sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken Pro.17:22b - A broken spirit drieth the bones Pro.18:14 - A wounded spirit who can bear?
G. God will show you the reason if you ask Him:
1Sam.6:3b - Then ye shall be healed, & it shall be known to you why His hand is not removed from you Job 36:9-11 - Then He sheweth them their...transgressions Phi.3:15b - God shall reveal even this unto you
H. How to keep from getting sick:
Exo.15:26 - If thou wilt diligently "hearken"...I will put none of these diseases upon thee Psa.91:9,10 - Because thou hast made the Lord thy...habitation Pro.4:20,22 - Attend to My Words...they are health to [your] flesh
I. Physical reasons for sickness:
Exo.8:24b - The land was "corrupted" by the swarm of flies Lev.11:4-12 - [Eating unclean meats, seafood, etc.] Pro.23:29-35 - [Too much wine or alcohol] Pro.25:16,27a - [Overindulgence in sweets:] Not good to eat much honey Pro.23:3 - Be not desirous of dainties: they are deceitful meat Mk.7:3,4 - [Lack of cleanliness: Jews washed often, lived long] Rom.1:24-27 - [Unclean or perverted sex] Phi.2:27,30 - [Overdoing physically:] Sick...not regarding his life
10. Points to remember after prayer:
A. Reasons why we're sometimes not "immediately" healed:
Isa.59:1,2 - The Lord's hand is not shortened, but your sins have separated you Hos.5:15 - I will return to My place, till they acknowledge their offence 2Cor.12:7-9 - [Paul prayed 3 times to be healed, but the Lord left him with a thorn in the flesh to keep him humble] Heb.10:36 - After ye have done the will of God ye (shall) receive the promise Jam.1:3 - The trying of your faith worketh patience 1Pet.1:7 - Trial of your faith (is) much more precious than gold
B. Testify publicly about your healing:
Job 36:24 - Remember that thou magnify His work, which men behold Psa.107:2 - Let the redeemed of the Lord say so Mk.5:19b - Go home to thy friends & "tell" them how great things the Lord hath done for thee Acts 4:10 - Be it known unto you all, that by the name of Jesus
(See also Psa.22:22,25; 35:18; 107:31,32.)
C. Obey God once healed, or your sickness may return:
Jn.5:14 - Thou art made whole, sin no more, lest a worse thing Psa.85:8 - But let them not turn again to folly
11. Miraculous or natural healing?
A. God's healing vs. doctors & medicines:
2Chr.16:12,13 - Asa was diseased in his feet...he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa died Psa.118:8 - Better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man Jer.46:11 - In vain shalt thou use many medicines...not be cured Mk.5:25-26 - Suffered many things of many physicians...grew worse
(See also Hos.5:13)
B. Sometimes doctors & medicines can help:
Pro.17:22a - A merry heart doeth "good" like a "medicine" Lk.10:34 - He bound up his wounds...pouring in oil & wine
C. God-ordained natural remedies:
2Ki.20:1-7 - Take a lump of figs...lay it on the boil (Also Isa.38:21) Jer.51:8b - Take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed Ezk.47:12b - And the leaf thereof (shall be) for medicine 1Tim.5:23 - Use a little wine for stomach's sake & oft infirmities
D. Eat wholesome, nourishing food:
Psa.103:5 - (The Lord) satisfieth thy mouth with "good" things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's
12. No sickness in Heaven:
(See Isa.33:24; Rev.21:4.)
A. Our immortal resurrected bodies will never be sick:
1Cor. 15:42, 43 - So is the resurrection...It is sown in corruption, raised in incorruption: sown in weakness...raised in power
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