Neutered Christianity: A Complete Misunderstanding of Romans 13 | Biafra Intelligence Service


Monday 27 October 2014

Neutered Christianity: A Complete Misunderstanding of Romans 13

10/17/14 at 02:06 PM 8 Comments

Neutered Christianity: A Complete Misunderstanding of Romans 13

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We live in wicked times, here in the U.S.A., and it is seemingly (at least for now) getting worse by the minute. Everyday men and women drive into abortion clinics across the United States, and pay a murderer in a white coat to kill their children. More and more states across this great country (or, perhaps, "immoral cesspool" would be more accurate at this point) are recognizing perversion as 'marriage.' We use dishonest monetary policies to essentially rob from producers and savers. Worst of all, there is an ongoing campaign to silence the church of Christ, and the true Gospel.
It would be bad enough if these were criminals doing these things; law breakers who we could round up and imprison. But what makes all of this so bad, is that these actions are top down; that is, our leaders are imposing much of this upon us, and at least sanctioning and encouraging the rest. Our leaders, by and large, are wicked.
What can we do about that? According to many pastors... (wolves in sheep's clothing? misled brothers?), there is nothing that we CAN do about it. Romans 13, according to them, commands absolute obedience to governing authority. Often these men also say that we shouldn't be involved in politics either, claiming that our job as Christians, and the church, is just to preach the gospel and see men saved. Currently the pastors in Houston are dealing with the logical outcome of such a view, as one blogger aptly notes. For years they have insisted that Christians concentrate on preaching the Gospel (which is a proper emphasis, of course), at the exclusion of political action. They have said things like "we need to keep politics out of the pulpit." They are now reaping the whirlwind that they have sown.
Clearly this is incorrect on both counts. Romans 13 gives clear conditions under which we are to follow our countries leaders. If they are a "terror to bad conduct", and give their approval to those who do "good" (verse 3). If he carries out justice on the wrongdoer (verse 4). When a ruler commands things that God has given them authority to command, and his commands are in accord with the Law of God, we are to obey that leader, no matter how bad he or she is personally. When they step OUTSIDE those commands and clearly drawn lines of authority, however, we are NOT to obey.
Consider Naboth from the Old Testament (1 King 21). We have, essentially, a case of "imminent domain" where the government authority (Ahab) tries to force a farmer to give up his families land, because the land is convenient for the ruler's purposes. He even tells him he will pay him for it. Does Naboth acquiesce? NO. Naboth refuses, so Ahab takes the property at the tip of a sword. He uses his authority, illegitimately, to do something which God had not given him the authority to do. So what does God's man, Elijah, the preacher man do? Why, he CONFRONTS Ahab. He rebukes him.
Listen, not only are we to refuse to obey when leaders command us to do things which the Covenant of the Lord does not give them authority to do, we are to rebuke such men, publicly and openly (Titus 2:15). Wicked rulers are to be confronted, rebuked, with "all authority." A man of God, especially a preacher, should obey Paul's command that we are to "let no one disregard you," whether they be king, pope, president, or guru.
Quit making excuses, oh preacher. Quit sitting idle. Proclaim righteousness and rebuke evil. Refuse to obey unbiblical commands. Take a page from Elijah's playbook, and stand up for the guy who is being beset by government tyranny. Worry more about what your Lord thinks of you, and less about what society thinks of you.
If you live like THAT, whoever you are, God just might use you to bring our country to repentance.
This is part two of a two part message, that addresses this subject. I encourage you to listen with an open mind, and an open bible.
Soli Deo Gloria!
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6:15 PM on October 18, 2014
I've heard the same argument many times. I hate to say we are living in the end times and it's going to get worse. If you think the GOP is going to save us good luck they are silent on most cultural issues and have not taken real opposition to anything our country is doing and I doubt they will, they are just as bad as the Democrats. My hope is in the next world not this one. Preach the gospel that's all you can do. Jesus is in charge he can come down anytime he wants.
1 Follower
10:46 PM on October 18, 2014
redcarolina - I agree that voting for another political party will save America. The only thing that could is Jesus intervening. As for exercising my right to vote, I find myself voting against candidates and ideas rather than for anything.
1 Follower
11:45 AM on October 18, 2014
Great article. It is upsetting to see such changes sweeping America while its citizens stand idle. The silence of the Christian community does have me perplexed. Children are under extreme danger, businesses taken, and freedom threatened, but there is silence from the Christian community. Is it possible that Pastors don't care? Perhaps they are afraid. Regardless, the wicked have done an excellent job of silencing the Church in America.
2:15 PM on October 18, 2014
Ahab - Thanks! The pastors fall into two camps: some have a radical two kingdom theology that prevents their participation in the "political" realm, and others are just scared of losing their job.
1 Follower
10:49 PM on October 18, 2014
Damon Rambo - the line of politics versus combating evil is becoming blurred. I am struggling with the idea with American churches being silent with all the things going on.
6:18 PM on October 17, 2014
"and the true Gospel". There is nothing inherently true in the gospels. Each claims they make deserve scrutiny. Those that stands scrutiny can be kept. Those who do not, ought to be discarted.
7:01 PM on October 17, 2014
Asterix - The word "true" itself, is dependent upon the entire Bible (66 books) being the literal Word of God, inerrant and infallible. If it is not, then there is no such thing as "true." In that case, everyone is feeling around, unable to come to any real conclusion, completely at the mercy of the chemical processes in their brain, which may well be completely mistruing everything they see, think, hear, and feel.
2:38 PM on October 17, 2014
And let me add: If your pastor is not involved, why not send him this article?
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