Biafra Intelligence Service


Sunday 28 May 2017

How All Biafrans has finally planned and Supported May 30 Program and Exodus from Demonic Country called Nigeria

On May 30, many people in southeastern Nigeria will remember those who lost their lives in one of Africa’s most brutal wars. More than 1 million people died during Nigeria’s 1967 to 1970 civil war known as the Biafra War The conflict erupted after leaders from southeastern Nigeria declared that the region would secede from Nigeria.
Memories of the war remain strong for those who lived through it.
“Have you been walking with somebody and the bomb killed him and

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Thursday 13 April 2017

How Britain and the United States Sabotaged Biafra and Sponsored Mass killings of Igbos By Helping the Nigeria Government with Most Sophisticated Arms.


The Igbo genocide was primarily about the protection of strategic British interests in Nigeria. The departing colonialists had secured the collaboration of the northern region, which was vehemently opposed to African independence. Thus Fulani-Hausa elites played a key role in the perpetration of the genocide.

In 'Empire: What Ruling the World Did to the British' (London: Viking, 2011), Jeremy Paxman allocates just 12 lines of his total 368-page study to British-occupied Nigeria in west Africa. But Paxman's pithy commentary undoubtedly speaks volumes of the mindset of the occupation regime on the very eve of its presumed departure from Nigeria in October 1960.
This is clearly a regime that is not prepared or willing to abandon the bounty harvest or lucre that is its Nigeria. Instead,

How Crimes of GENOCIDE are Been Committed by NIGERIA on the IGBO/Biafrans

1945 Northern Moslems kill HUNDREDS of IGBO civilians in the Northern city of JOS and loot their properties worth hundreds of millions of dollars!
1953 Northern Moslems pounce on IGBO civilians in the Northern city of KANO, THOUSANDS of IGBO men and women are killed and their property worth in the hundreds of millions are looted!
(The worst pogrom in all of Africa up to that time!)

Wednesday 12 April 2017

How and The History Of IGBO Massacre Across The Northern Nigeria

How and The History Of IGBO Massacre Across The Northern Nigeria

MASSACRE (City/Town and Year)

1. Jos 1945
2. Kano genocide 1953
3. 1966 pogroms- over 60,000 civilians were killed
4. May 29th 1967- over 200,000 civilians were killed.

How to cure some sicknesses naturally

Friday 7 April 2017

How to know and Apply These Biblical Concept for Restoration

 Image result for spiritual restoration

Joel 2:25-26 ESV /

I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you. And my people shall never again be put to shame.

You need this-Just one click

Monday 3 April 2017

Biafra Intelligence replies Stephen Adekoje..................

 Stephen Adekoje's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, closeup

  Biafra Intelligence replies Stephen Adekoje in reference to .


The woman you're crazily in love with is married to another man. Will you just let go your love or will you steal her away if the opportunity arises?
This is a real life issue not fictional.
David real love was Bathseba but she was already married to another man.
lmagine you're in love with Jesus and someone else is loving Him more than you do,will you allow him/her to take your place in His heart or will you fight for your love?
Stephen Adekoje' Ministries.

My Dear Stephen,

I will not allow any man to take His heart from me. I will fight for the love of Christ upon my life. But I have a question for you.